June Recipe - Chicken Noodle Soup


This is a favourite in our household. It's what our kids request if they're feeling unwell - and it's what they get when we have one of those overscheduled hectic afternoons. We often add lots more veg to this - maybe a handful of silverbeet, snow peas or finely chopped pak choy Having lots of fresh herbs and chilli on the table keeps it fresh and lively

Chicken Noodle Soup 

Ingredients - Serves 4

1 litre chicken stock

2 boneless chicken breast (approx 200 grams)

1 tsp fresh ginger - finely chopped - reserve some for serving

1 clove of garlic- finely chopped

2 star anise

50g rice or wheat noodles

2-3 button mushrooms- thinly sliced

2 spring onions - finely sliced

2 tsp soy sauce -plus extra for serving

Sesame oil - for seasoning

Fresh Herbs - Vietnamese Mint, Thai basil or coriander

Chilli - optional 


Pour the stock into a pan with ginger, star anise and garlic.

Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and add the chicken breasts. Place a lid on the pot and simmer for 10-15 minutes until the chicken is cooked through.

Remove the chicken to a board and shred into bite-size pieces using a couple of forks.

Remove star anise

Return the chicken to the stock with the noodles, mushrooms, half the spring onions and the soy sauce.

Simmer for 3-4 minutes until the noodles are tender.

In your bowls add a few drops of sesame oil, fresh ginger, spring onion and herbs

Divide noodles and chicken evenly between the bowls and ladle over stock.